The First Electronic Church of America

S A I N T S   &   B I R T H D A Y   P A G E

March 29, 1997

Saint Of The Day:

Emanuel Swedenborg

Emanuel Swedenborg, whose real name was Emanuel Swedberg, was born in 1688. Today is the 225th anniversary of his death, in London, at the age of 84. He was a Swedish scientist, philosopher, and theologian, and he founded his own religious sect, called Swedenborgians. Swedenborg was a man of unusual intellectual powers. He made important contributions to mathematics, chemistry, physics, and biology, was knighted by the Swedish crown and given a seat in the Swedish parliament. In 1745, after claiming to have experienced supernatural visions, Swedenborg began to study theology. In an 8-volume work called Heavenly Arcana, he propounded a religious system based on an allegorical interpretation of the Scriptures according to instructions professedly received from God. He maintained that in 1757 the last judgment occurred in his presence, that the Christian church as a spiritual entity came to an end, and that a new church, foretold as the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation, was created by divine dispensation. According to Swedenborg, the natural world derives its reality from the existence of God, whose divinity became human in Jesus Christ. The highest purpose is to achieve conjunction with God through love and wisdom. Swedenborg's followers, known as Swedenborgians, accept his theological writings as being divinely inspired. He never intended to found a new religious denomination, but in 1787 his disciples in England were organized as a separate sect by the British printer Robert Hindmarsh.. Swedenborgians in Great Britain now number about 5000, divided among 75 societies. In the U.S., Swedenborgians are divided into two general organizations, known as the General Convention of the New Jerusalem and the General Church of the New Jerusalem. The former organization has about 2800 members in 47 societies and the latter about 2100 members in 33 societies. brutish, violent place. But imagine how much more brutish and violent it would be if Jesus had never come and his followers hadn't been trying to follow in his footsteps. Jesus love-message hasn't worked? Well, maybe, it would be closer to the truth to say it hasn't worked where it hasn't been tried.

Your Birthday Today:

March 29
Day of the Watcher

Idealistic, Paradoxical, Devoted

Prejudiced, Slacker,

Scrutinizer. If you were born on March 29, you like to look before you leap, to weigh a situation carefully before acting. An odd character, you don't stand still long enough for others to scrutinize you. But once you see they are serious, you settle down. Ruled by the number 2 and the moon, you have great imagination and make an excellent coworker.

The judge. You are very idealistic and believe you are a morally just person. In less mature people, this righteousness can lead to bigotry and persecution of others. Wise individuals try not to be so judgmental.

Pathfinder. Early in life, you see how the world works and what your role will be in it. You find your path in life and move quietly and relentlessly toward your goals. They may be simple, modest goals, since you don't have the extrovert's inflated ego or the need for applause. You are quite happy to do your work without complaint and enjoy family, hobbies or other interests.

Friend or foe? Most March 29 people are trustworthy and loyal and make excellent friends, partners and mates. Being keen observers, they see the ironies of life and are able to laugh at themselves. Less evolved types, however, may have a nasty and ruthless streak due to their paranoid nature. They need to step back and analyze their fears if they are to better themselves.

Some Advice : Don't force
your beliefs on others; it only antagonizes. Try to smooth out your eccentricities and push yourself toward success a little more.

Also born on this day:
Pearl Bailey (singer, entertainer) John Tyler (US president, annexed Texas) John Major (British prime minister) Eugene McCarthy (US presidential candidate) Elihu Thompson (co-founder, General Electric) Walt Frazier (NY Knicks guard) E. Power Biggs (organist) Eric Idle (Monty Python member) Earl Campbell (NFL running back) Jennifer Capriati (tennis player) Michael Brecker (jazz saxophonist, composer) Sam Walton (Wal-Mart founder)