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Nominate Your Candidate!
All Personal Information Is Kept Confidential
Candidate: (First, Last)

Your Email Address:
I Nominate This Candidate for:
 Person of the Century
 Person of the Millennium
Tell Us Why You Want This Candidate
(Why they should be nominated)
(where we can find information)


I agree that in submitting this form to FECHA, that they may use it "as is" or modify it as they determine. I may choose to have my email address listed and be given credit for this submission. Submitting a Nominee request does not guarantee that it will be posted. FECHA reserves the right to deny any request.
By selecting "Yes" I understand that I am agreeing to the terms listed above.
Yes, I agree
No, I don't agree
If we decide to post your Nominee, do you want us to give you credit?
Yes, Give me credit!
No, I'll stay anonymous!


Please do NOT Submit an application more than once.
Thank you for submitting a Candidate.
Please feel free to browse.

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