The First Electronic Church of America

S A I N T S   &   B I R T H D A Y   P A G E

February 8, 1997

Saint Of The Day:

Martin Buber

Born Feb. 8, 1878, in Vienna, died June 13, 1965. Philosopher and theologian, perhaps the most influential Jewish thinker of the 20th century. Educated at the universities of Vienna, Leipzig, Zurich and Berlin, and an active Zionist. In 1901, he became the editor of Die Welt (The World), a Zionist journal. In 1916, he founded Der Jude (The Jew), which became an important outlet for German-speaking Jews everywhere. In 1923, he became a professor of Jewish theology at the University of Frankfurt. Forced to leave Germany in 1938, he settled in Palestine, where he became professor of social philosophy at Hebrew University, Jerusalem. He advocated a bi-national state of Israel comprising both Jews and Arabs. During the 1950s, he traveled and lectured throughout the world, particularly in the U.S. Buber's philosophy, which was strongly influenced by the deeply spiritual strain of Judaism called Hasidism, is sometimes called Jewish Existentialism. It is best set forth in Ich und Du (1923), translated into English in 1937 as I and Thou. Buber said people related to things and to persons in different ways. Things are objects, to be manipulated and used. Superficial human relationships tend to resemble this mode. But the secret of living, Buber maintained, lay in establishing an I-Thou relationship with others -- as persons, not things. We engage in true dialogue with another person who, we recognize, has thoughts and feelings as we do, and that creates a union, a bonding between us. The I-Thou relationship involves risks, because total involvement cannot calculate injuries that may be inflicted on the I by the Thou. Human relationships can only approximate the perfect I-Thou dialogue. When people are in genuine dialogue with God (the only perfect Thou), the true I-Thou relationship is present. In his later years, Buber tried to apply the I-Thou principle to biblical interpretation, psychotherapy and political philosophy, and he picked up many followers from these fields.

MODEL: Buber's openness to others. He was a man who knew how to listen, really listen. And he tried not to use people.

Your Birthday Today:

February 8
Day of The Psychic

Technical, Conceptual, Intuitive

Codependent, Emotionally lost, Docile

The seer. If you were born on February 8, you might have highly developed psychic or projective abilities. Ruled by the number 8 and the planet Saturn, you are also a cautious, reserved person. You are sometimes able to conceive a situation in your head, then make it happen by the power of suggestion. You can read the signs around you and know when to make a move in business and finance.

Some February 8 people may be outright psychics, able to receive and transmit thoughts; you may just have a sixth sense for the powerful undercurrents running between people and things.

The thinker. You are a very conceptual person: able to stand back, evaluate a problem objectively and visualize its solution. Sometimes people think you're living in another world, even flaky. They are surprised to find you can tackle highly technical subjects. February 8 people may be intellectuals, architects, engineers, musicians, scientists or computer hackers, but they are not idle airheads.

The emotional trainwreck. With all your psychic abilities and cognitive powers, you'd think your emotional life would be more stable. But it's not. You derail your relationships with Mr. or Ms. Right and often become hopelessly attached to the wrong mates. You have a passive streak in you that may cause you to give more than you receive or just the opposite. Finding a good balanced relationship is something you should strive for.

Advice : Use better judgement and work through your problems. Not everything comes easily. Be more realistic in your personal life. Avoid your self-destruc tive side..

Also born on this day:
Jules Verne (French science fiction novelist) James Dean (film actor) Martin Buber (Judaic scholar, writer) Evangeline Adams (first great American astrologer) Jack Lemmon (actor) Nick Nolte (actor) William T. Shermam (Civil War general, burned Atlanta) Lana Turner (actress) Tom Rush (folk singer) Elly Ameling (Dutch soprano)